local k8std = import "https://github.com/raeumlich/k8std-libsonnet/main.libsonnet"
A Jsonnet library that provides common functions when dealing with Kubernetes resources.
fn isK8sResource(o)
fn parseYamlManifestToObject(yaml)
fn recommendedLabels(name='null', instance='null', version='null', component='null', part_of='null', managed_by='null', created_by='null')
fn setNamespace(o, ns, force=false)
fn setNamespaceAll(o, ns, force=false)
fn sortByKind(resources, order=['Namespace', 'NetworkPolicy', 'ResourceQuota', 'LimitRange', 'PodSecurityPolicy', 'PodDisruptionBudget', 'ServiceAccount', 'Secret', 'ConfigMap', 'StorageClass', 'PersistentVolume', 'PersistentVolumeClaim', 'CustomResourceDefinition', 'ClusterRole', 'ClusterRoleBinding', 'Role', 'RoleBinding', 'Service', 'DaemonSet', 'Pod', 'ReplicationController', 'ReplicaSet', 'Deployment', 'HorizontalPodAutoscaler', 'StatefulSet', 'Job', 'CronJob', 'IngressClass', 'Ingress', 'APIService'], prefixLength=2)
fn isK8sResource
Checks whether the given object is a Kubernetes resource or not (based on the presence of the "apiVersion" and "kind" field)
fn parseYamlManifestToObject
Parses the given YAML manifest into an object by using the resources kind and name as field name separated by _
. Field names are always lowercase. This works for single YAML documents as well as streams of YAML documents.
Requires Jsonnet v0.18.0
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: foo
namespace: default
some_variable: "1"
"configmap_foo": {
"apiVersion": "v1",
"kind": "ConfigMap",
"metadata": {
"name": "foo",
"namespace": "default"
"data": {
"some_variable": "1"
fn recommendedLabels
recommendedLabels(name='null', instance='null', version='null', component='null', part_of='null', managed_by='null', created_by='null')
Helper for building a set of recommended labels.
Please refer to the Kubernetes documentation for more information.
fn setNamespace
setNamespace(o, ns, force=false)
Sets the namespace ns
on the given resource o
. If the resource doesn't have any namespace set it doesn't change anything unless force
is set to true
fn setNamespaceAll
setNamespaceAll(o, ns, force=false)
Sets the namespace ns
on all resources in o
. If the resource doesn't have any namespace set it doesn't change anything unless force
is set to true
fn sortByKind
sortByKind(resources, order=['Namespace', 'NetworkPolicy', 'ResourceQuota', 'LimitRange', 'PodSecurityPolicy', 'PodDisruptionBudget', 'ServiceAccount', 'Secret', 'ConfigMap', 'StorageClass', 'PersistentVolume', 'PersistentVolumeClaim', 'CustomResourceDefinition', 'ClusterRole', 'ClusterRoleBinding', 'Role', 'RoleBinding', 'Service', 'DaemonSet', 'Pod', 'ReplicationController', 'ReplicaSet', 'Deployment', 'HorizontalPodAutoscaler', 'StatefulSet', 'Job', 'CronJob', 'IngressClass', 'Ingress', 'APIService'], prefixLength=2)
Sorts the given resources by their Kind using order
. The prefixLength handles the zero padding of the number prefix that is added to get the files in order on the file system, which is only relevant if you are using the multifile output.